
繼上次續簽後,一晃又是兩年半,如果不申請公民,我也終於是來到花錢的盡頭 —- 永居。



1.先生換工作,同一個雇主的payslips不滿六個月,所以我們提供了12個月的payslips (變成申請category B)

2.多了小屁孩的出生證明(birth certificate),作為supporting my other reasons to stay in the UK.



本次花費費用: £32o8 (含super priority service)

時間點: 2022年3月23日照相壓指紋,照理來說隔天就會有消息,但收到email說我的case raises exceptionally complex issues (真是問號滿天飛) 所以我是到3月30號才收到卡片。

後來上網查了一下,滿多人都說UKVI件數多無法及時處理,會寄這種預防性的郵件以防你申請退費! what a country.



UKVCAS的上傳分類選項 上傳的資料 備註
Proof of Identity / Travel History: ✔ Applicant’s Passport 全部的護照頁面連同空白頁(因為covid沒出國,沿用舊的檔案)
✔ Applicant’s Biometrict Resident Card
✔ Sponsor’s Passport 全部的護照頁面連同空白頁(因為covid沒出國,沿用舊的檔案)
Proof of Application: ✔ UKVI Checklist
✔ Application Form
✓Family declaration form
Other ✔ Additional information 補充說明先生的paternity leave未支薪,以及我休產假的薪水有調整。
✓Photos from 2017-2021 每年各選一張
Residence in the UK ✓Applicant’s NHS letters
✓Bank Letter – Applicant – 2019-2021
✓Bank Letter – Sponsor- 2020
✓Council tax – Joint – 2019-2021
✓DVLA – Applicant- 2019-2021
✓DVLA – Sponsor- 2021
✓Evidence of monthly housing cost – council tax payment.
✓Evidence of monthly housing cost – joint bank acc.
✓Gas- Sponsor – 2021
✓Law firm letter – Joint – 2020
✓Mortgage confirmation- Joint – 2020
✓Sponsor’s NHS letter- 2019
✓Water bill- Joint – 2021
Finances ✓Sponsor’s bank statements- Aug 2021 to Feb 2022
✓Sponsor’s bank statements- Aug 2021 to Feb 2022
✓Sponsor’s P60 – 2020
✓Sponsor’s payslip – Feb 2021 to Feb 2022
✓Applicant’s bank statement- Sep 2021- Mar 2022
✓Applicant’s payslip – Sep. 21 to Feb. 2022
✓Applicant’s P60 – 2020
Life Events ✔ Certificate of Marriage
✔baby’s birth certificate
✓Sponsor’s Birth Certificate
Sponsors / Employment ✓Applicant’s Employement Letter
✓Applicant’s Employment contract extended letter
✓Applicant’s Employment contract
✓Sponsor’s Employement Letter
✓Sponsor’s contract of employment
Educational ✔ Applicant’s Degree certificate 畢業證書
✓Life in the UK – Pass


3 thoughts on “2022英國配偶續簽轉永居Set(M)

  1. 感謝分享,現在願意這樣慢慢打出來的人真的不多了👏🏼👍🏼也很恭喜你拿到永居啦~可以鬆口氣啦~


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