英國Nursery(幼稚園)選擇分享及注意事項 (下)

接著上篇,我們是如何先藉著google map review 以及ofsted report 初步篩選nursery。



What questions should you ask when visiting a nursery?

It can be tricky knowing what best to ask when you go to visit a new nursery, especially if it’s for your first child. You want to make sure you cover off all the important questions as you want to ensure that when you’re leaving your child alone at daycare that they are being taken care of by caring individuals. 

Additionally, you also want to know that your child is being provided with care that improves their developmental and social skills.

So what questions should you ask when visiting a nursery? We’ve listed below some of the questions that we asked when visiting a nursery for our child. These may not apply to your specific situation.



1.If we join an afternoon session, what does the routine look like?

    • Why: some parents only need a daycare for their children during certain times of the day. Some need an early morning session, others prefer a session in the afternoon. It’s important to know before going to the visit day as the daycare may not have availability for the time you wanted. Each daycare may have activities at certain times in the day, so it could be good to know what fun activities your child could be doing if you dropped them off at certain times each day.

有部分父母只需要在特定時間將孩子送到幼兒園照顧,而幼兒園通常可能不會有你需要的時段,在預約day tour前可以先了解空缺以免白跑一趟。另外,每個幼兒園每天安排的活動不盡相同, 如果你想讓小孩參與那些特定的活動需要慎選時段。



2. What are the fees and what is included within this fee? 



3. What meal time options are there? Are they nutritious? Do you accommodate dietary requirements?

    • Why: some children might have specific dietary requirements, yours may have allergies to certain foods which you wouldn’t want your child exposed to. You also want to know that the meals they provide include all the necessary nutritional benefits a growing toddler needs.





4. If our child is sleepy, is there a designated space for them to rest?



5. What is the ratio between teacher and child?



6. Are all teachers AED certified and know how to administer Heimlich manouevre?



7. In case of any emergency, which hospital will you take children to?



8. What activities do you have for the children each day?



How often do children go outdoors for activities?

小朋友會多常做戶外活動? 目前聽到的是,下雨天只要不是傾盆大雨仍是會有戶外活動(如果在英國下雨天不出門大概都不能出門了lol)


Will you provide updates on the children’s day? If so, what method of communication do you use? App, phone call, email, text?



Optional, as you can check this on the official website for Ofsted reports – What Ofsted rating do you currently hold?


As mentioned, these are just some of the questions we asked when visiting a nursery. These questions may not apply to you or your situation but we find that these questions can give us a good understanding of what the day would look like for our child and what type of care they would receive etc.






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